Friday, August 30, 2013

Too hot to post!

It's a few degrees cooler today. Just a few. The last few days have seem me do not much else than restlessly wander around my sweltering apartment, take a nap on the couch and generally try to not be consumed by the heat. Oh, did I mention I don't have AC?

I have much work to do, but it's like my brain is expanding as a result of this heat, pushing up against the walls of my cranium and leaving me with nothing but confused, cottony thoughts.

Instead, I picked up In-N-Out and brought it to my grandmother's house for lunch.

Is this heat an excuse to lose my concentration, my focus. What would happen if I had to live through these sweltering, humid temperatures the entire summer? I hardly think that would be carte blanche to dismiss several months of my life to 'heat exhaustion.'

So, as an ode to the heady, sweaty Los Angeles summer, I have posted another quintessential California icon.
Palm Trees swaying behind In-N-Out.

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